On-Demand Webinar: 2021 California Employment Law Update (1-22-21 Webinar Recording)
Program Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes.
Registration Fee: $50 per registrant. Clients of Hixson Nagatani LLP may register free of charge by entering the promo code: HNFIRMCLIENT. Registrants who previously paid to attend the live version of this webinar may register for the on-demand webinar free of charge by entering the promo code: PAIDFORLIVE. Promo code eligibility will be reviewed for all registrants before approving the registration.
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Watch this in-depth 2-hour webinar to catch up on a wide range of important new legal developments for California employers. We cover topics including:
- Pay During COVID-19 Related Leave: Two major new developments include: (1) the requirement from Cal-OSHA’s new emergency regulations to continue pay/benefits for employees excluded from work because of “COVID cases” or COVID exposure; and, (2) an extension of federal tax credits for certain types of COVID-19 related leave through March 31, 2020. We’ll review in detail the intersection of these laws, and their interaction with California state/local sick leave laws, SDI, unemployment compensation, and worker’s compensation. We’ll also provide a model policy template for COVID-19 related leaves under the emergency regulations.
- COVID-19 Work Safety Issues: Cal-OSHA’s new requirement to set up written COVID-19 prevention plans, return to work criteria, notice/reporting and record keeping requirements under California Assembly Bill 685, and new presumption of worker’s compensation coverage for COVID-19 infections under California Senate Bill 1159. Also, updated guidance on requiring employees to be tested and/or vaccinated for COVID-19.
- Leaves of Absence: Expansion of the California Family Rights Act (“CFRA”) to require employers with 5 or more employees (previously 50+ employees) to provide eligible employees with legally protected family and medical leave; expansion of CFRA leave requirements for all covered employers; and expansion of other California leave laws that employers should update their handbook policies to address. We’ll provide registrants with two model CFRA employee leave notice letter templates.
- “Unlimited Vacation”: Updating policies in light of the first reported California Court of Appeal decision related to “unlimited” vacation policies, McPherson v. EF Intercultural Foundation, Inc., (holding that the employer was required to pay terminated employees for unused vacation, despite the employer’s argument that it had an “unlimited” non-accrual vacation policy); we’ll review common mistakes involving unlimited vacation practices that run afoul of McPherson, and how to update vacation policies and practices in light of this important ruling.
- New Wage Law Requirements: New heightened pay requirements for exempt computer software professionals and “white collar” exempt employees; new minimum wage requirements for non-exempt employees.
- Independent Contractor Status: Review of recently enacted exceptions to California’s strict “ABC test.”
- Employee Confidentiality Agreements: The California Court of Appeals’ invalidation of an employee confidentiality agreement in Brown v. TGS Management for using an overly broad definition of “confidential information” that amounted to an unlawful non-compete; we’ll review a self-audit checklist for your confidentiality agreement forms.
- New California Pay Data Reporting Requirement: California Senate Bill 973’s requirement that employers with 100 or more employees report certain pay data to the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing by March 31, 2021.
Registrants will be able to download several handouts (by clicking the gotwebinar handouts icon), including a handout of the slides, and several model forms related to the program topics.
This is an edited recording of a webinar presented by Ray Hixson, Brian K. Nagatani, and Mary Wang on January 22, 2021. Please note that the webinar does not address changes in the law since the original program date. Please also note that the webinar provides only general information about the law, and does not constitute legal advice. Companies or individual seeking legal advice should retain counsel.
Please note that HR and attorney continuing education credits are not available for watching this recorded program.
Registration Fee: $50 per registrant. Clients of Hixson Nagatani LLP may register free of charge by entering the promo code: HNFIRMCLIENT. Registrants who previously paid to attend the live version of this webinar may register for the on-demand webinar free of charge by entering the promo code: PAIDFORLIVE. Promo code eligibility will be reviewed for all registrants before approving the registration.